
All Wales  SIG  – Study Day 2024

A joint conference with the British Society of Gerodontology (BSG)


‘Ageing Well in Progression ‘

Friday June 14th 2024,Radisson Blu Hotel, Cardiff

Conference Page- BSG & SIG Summer Conference 2024 – Cardiff

                                                          (Live on 14th June 2024)


 Click to register

( redirects to  BSG event registration page)

Click for conference schedule 


Poster Competition 

( deadline for submission May 6th 2024)

Poster Competition – Criteria

Poster Competition -Application Form


Looking for help compiling your poster  ?

Guide to Creating a Poster Presentation



Free DCP places  – information and application form on the registration page (BSG website)












 Data Protection  & Privacy statement  – All Wales Special Interest Group (SIG Wales) 

























































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